- Training
- Organization and Training Catalogue
- CEIPI courses leading to diplomas
- Master of Laws (L.LM Equivalent)
- Intellectual Property Law and Cultural Activities
- Intellectual Property Law and International Business
- Intellectual Property Law and International Business (alternating diploma)
- Intellectual Property Law and Data Sciences
- Intellectual Property Law and Valuation of Intangible Assets
- European and international Intellectual Property Law
- Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management (MIPLM)
- Master 2 in Industrial Property
- University Diplomas (D.U.)
- University Diploma - Long tuition in Patents
- University Diploma - Accelerated tuition in Patents
- University Diploma - Long tuition in Trademarks and Designs
- University Diploma - Accelerated tuition in Trademarks and Designs
- Diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe
- University diploma in European Union Trade Mark and Community Design Law
- University Diploma in IP Business Administration
- University diploma Artificial intelligence and intellectual property
- Master of Laws (L.LM Equivalent)
- Non-degree courses
- Become European Patent Attorney or PI counselor with the CEIPI
- Basic training in European Patent Law
- EPAC 2024: Training preparing for the European patent administration certification - in English, German and French language
- EQE 2025: Course offer for preparing for the EQE 2025 - training offer in English, German and French language
- New European qualifying examination (EQE) progressively starting in 2025
- Seminar preparing for the Foundation Paper F of the EQE 2025
- "Mock exam" course for the Foundation Paper F
- Introductory methodology courses for papers A, B, C and D
- Preparatory Seminars for papers A, B, C and D of the EQE
- "Mock exam"courses for papers A+B, C and D
- « Correction of paper » module for papers A, B, C and D
- Price offer 2024-2025*
- European Qualifying Examination - Guide for preparation
- Accommodation in Strasbourg
- Training offer for the preparation of the Examen de Qualification Français (EQF)
- IP Business academy
- Advanced trainings
- Focus PI, les mensuelles du CEIPI
- Artificial Intelligence & Contracts - A Hands-On Workshop
- Regulatory affairs and intellectual property protection in the pharmaceutical industry
- Standard essential patent and Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) licensing: The interplay between IP, competition and contract law
- Social networks & intellectual property
- CEIPI/WIPO Trainings
- Seminar on Taxation of patents, inventions and software
- Advanced seminar on International Arbitration and Intellectual Property Disputes
- Summer school
- Research
- Research department team
- Activities
- Main research interests
- Organization of Conferences, Symposiums, Seminars and Podcasts
- Conferences proceedings
- 13 April 2021: What status for the harmonization of patent law in Europe? Jurisprudences France - EPO: convergences and divergences
- 25-26 April 2018: Enforcing Intellectual Property in Trade and Investment Agreements: What Safeguards for its Social Function?
- 22 November 2016: CEIPI/EAO Conference Film “Copyright Enforcement in the Online World” on Line
- 28-30 January 2016: Intellectual Property and the Judiciary
- 27-28 November 2014: Perspectives for the Intellectual Property System in a Globalized World
- 1st October 2014: The Community plant variety system: Challenges and Opportunities
- 5-7 April 2013: Human Rights and Intellectual Property: From Concepts to Practice
- 26-27 April 2012: What Patent Law for the European Union?
- 24-25 February 2011: Constructing European Intellectual Property: Achievements and new perspectives
- 16-17 April 2010: Towards a European Patent Court
- 20-21 April 2007: The Revision of the European Patent Convention - The New EPC 2000
- Conferences proceedings
- Expertise proposed to international organisations and european institutions
- Thesis
- CEIPI-BETA Project in Law and Economics of Intellectual Property
- European project EIPIN IS
- Erasmus+ project: New skills to face the risks of counterfeiting in consumer goods for children (CounterRisk)
- CEIPI Collection
- CEIPI Series
- Visiting program for foreign researchers within CEIPI Research Department
- Library
- Network and partnerships
- Jobs and internships
- Contact
- News
- Events
- RSS feeds
- Sitemap
- Legal notice
- Credits