The tutors of the international section are mainly qualified European patent attorneys (from private pratice and industry), but also staff members of the European Patent Office and of the Boards of Appeal, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or recognized experts in the field of intellectual property (academic staff, magistrates, lawyers...). The variety of nationalities and backgrounds represented within this team reflects the European character and the interdisciplinarity of the CEIPI courses and seminars.

Several  tutors work either in Industry or in private practice. Most have long-time experience, some have just passed the European Qualifying Examination themselves and perfectly know by experience the current requirements of the exam papers the CEIPI courses prepare to.

More than 200 tutors teach on the 40 basic training courses in Europe. The local coordinator of each course and the central coordinator of the Basic Training manage and supervise the training activities.

A network of about 70 tutors cooperate within the preparation courses for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE) - main examination and the new pre-examination. All have exclusive knowledge and practical experience in the procedures before the EPO and the Boards of Appeal. CEIPI has assigned experienced coordinators who are in charge of the content, the supervision of each seminar preparing for the EQE and of the tutors selection.

The basic training courses and the activities preparing for the EQE are coordinated by Mr . Andreas Dilg,  Director of the International Section.