Organization and Training Catalogue

The French section

Whether students are engineers/scientists (A) or law students (B), they can choose between 2 types of degree courses.

A) Degree courses for engineers and scientists

There are two scenarios:

  • Students who have no professional experience follow a course during one academic year called the "long tuition". It is divided into two six-month periods: the first semester being about Patents and the second about Trademarks and Designs.
  • Students who already have professional experience can follow a crash course or "accelerated tuition" throughout the academic year:
    • Accelerated course about Patents for engineers and scientists (9 weeks);
    • Accelerated course about Trademarks and Designs for legal scholars/law students and engineers/scientists who have a CEIPI degree (5 weeks).

All students are awarded either a "Patent of invention" or "Trademarks, designs and models" degree.

B) Degree courses for law students

In addition to the full-length "Trademarks, designs and models" degree (6 months) or the accelerated version (6 weeks), CEIPI also offers a Master's degree, specializing in intellectual property, in 1st and 2nd years, with a variety of courses, for both initial and continuing training.

The international section

CEIPI provides lifelong training for European IP patent practitioners which enables them to keep up with all IP law evolutions.

A) Degree courses leading to a diploma

B) Specialized seminars

CEIPI prepares candidates, who are professionals of various member countries of the Convention on European Patents, to the European Qualification Examination that enables them to become European patent attorneys at EPO.

CEIPI also collaborates with the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), the EPO (European Patent Office) and other international organisations for seminars and specific events.

CEIPI's research Department

In addition to its educational activities, CEIPI is also a major think-tank on the evolution of IP law.

This activity takes place in CEIPI's research department through a variety of events:

  • Organisation of symposiums and special study days,
  • Expertise proposed to various bodies including international organisations and collaboration with foreign universities ,
  • Publication of books in the CEIPI collection
  • Publication of articles and comments on case law in various IP reviews
  • Direction of PhDs in IP law
  • Counselling of national, international and community decision-makers in IP law

CEIPI's research department is also in charge of the "Research Master's Degree".

CEIPI is a world-renowned European pole of excellence in IP law in the field of education and research. Since its creation in 1963, CEIPI has trained thousands of IP specialists and has been a European benchmark in IP.