Become European Patent Attorney or PI counselor with the CEIPI
Basic training in European Patent Law
EPAC 2024: Training preparing for the European patent administration certification - in English, German and French language
EQE 2025: Course offer for preparing for the EQE 2025 - training offer in English, German and French language
- New European qualifying examination (EQE) progressively starting in 2025
- Seminar preparing for the Foundation Paper F of the EQE 2025
- "Mock exam" course for the Foundation Paper F
- Introductory methodology courses for papers A, B, C and D
- Preparatory Seminars for papers A, B, C and D of the EQE
- "Mock exam"courses for papers A+B, C and D
- « Correction of paper » module for papers A, B, C and D
- Price offer 2024-2025*
- European Qualifying Examination - Guide for preparation
- Accommodation in Strasbourg
Training offer for the preparation of the Examen de Qualification Français (EQF)
- Preparatory Seminar for the EQF - Brevets d'invention
- Preparatory Seminar for the EQF - Marques, dessins et modèles
IP Business academy
Advanced trainings
- Focus IP Patents - NEW starting February 2025
- Focus PI, Marques, Dessins & Modèles
- Artificial Intelligence & Contracts - A Hands-On Workshop
- Regulatory affairs and intellectual property protection in the pharmaceutical industry
- Standard Essential Patent and Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) Licensing: The interplay between IP, competition and contract law
- Social networks & intellectual property
- CEIPI/WIPO Trainings
- Seminars on Taxation of Intellectual Properties
- Advanced seminar on International Arbitration and Intellectual Property Disputes