Training system(s): Initial training; Continuing education
Teaching language(s) : English
Teaching methods: Fully distance learning
Training system(s): Initial training; Continuing education
Teaching language(s) : English
Teaching methods: Fully distance learning
The aim of the "IP Business Administration / Corporate Management and Intellectual Property" university diploma is to provide distance training for specialists (IP lawyers, IP attorneys, industrial property attorneys) and non-specialists in intellectual property, such as marketing professionals, project managers, company directors and anyone else interested, in the role of intellectual property in business and its day-to-day management.
In addition to being aimed at non-specialists in the field, this diploma offers basic instruction in the management of intellectual property rights, and could potentially serve as a "preparation" for the Master 2 in Intellectual Property Law - IP Law and Management.
The European Patent Office (EPO) has developed considerable expertise in the field of intellectual property management, and has joined forces with CEIPI to enrich the content of this diploma with the development of three teaching modules.
Click on the poster to download the brochure for the academic year 2024-2025.
An admissions committee made up of teachers and professionals examines the applications, in particular to verify the candidate's level of English language proficiency and educational background.
Candidates must complete an online pre-registration form. Enrolment is closed.
Application campaign 2024-2025: from 20 May to 30 October 2024.
Start of lessons: 14 octobre 2024
(Subject to approval by the university board of directors)
First-time registration fee:
For more information, visit the dedicated page on the university website.
Fees for re-registration in the diploma:
Price per module:
The course can also be taken in modules (without leading to a diploma).
Consult the teaching programs (only in french).
Download the course summary (only in french).
For any pedagogical or administrative questions, please send an e-mail to the following address: ip_management @ or Tel: +33 (0)