
Many thesis are defended at the CEIPI's Research Department.

See the list of theses defended at CEIPI since 2008.

Born from the observation of the immense interest for the practitioners to consult the theses within the framework of their practice and to a deep implication of the partners to support the research and to contribute to the knowledge and to the diffusion of the French doctrine, CEIPI created these last years two thesis prizes:

Thesis defences

Under the supervision of Yann Basire, Associate Professor at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, Director General of the CEIPI and Director of the French Section of the CEIPI:

  • Morality in trademark law: Chloé PIEDOIE
  • Intellectual property, protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions: Maëlle SENGEL

Under the supervision of Stéphanie Carre, Associate Professor at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg:

  • Le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins à l’épreuve de l’intelligence artificielle dans les pays de l’espace de l'Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) : Kouame Jean-Claude KOUADIO
  • A Critical Analysis of the Protection of Traditional Knowledge through Copyright Law: Claudia ULLOA TORRES

Under the supervision of Christophe Geiger, Professor at the University of Strasbourg:

  • Le contentieux des brevets en Europe à la lumière du brevet européen à effet unitaire: Anna LAWRYNOWICZ-DREWEK
  • Khrystina Fedunyshyn

 Under the supervision of Franck Macrez, Associate Professor at CEIPI and Director of the Research Department of the CEIPI:

  • The regulation of digital confidence as a matter of European sovereignty: Florian De VAULX
  • Regional protection of intellectual property rights: thinking of a system for the Arab League: Julie DAGHER
  • The data, object of law: Déborah HEERTZ
  • Data of artificial intelligence and intellectual property: Elodie MIGLIORE
  • Vers un modèle de vérification de la conformité aux obligations juridiques - L’exemple de la cybersécurité: Valentin CHABELMAN
  • Propriété intellectuelle et développement durable: Romain SOUSTELLE