Intellectual property
Jean-Christophe Rolland elected President of the Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (National Association of Industrial Property Attorneys)
Distance and hybrid learning at CEIPI
Creation of the CEIPI/VERCKEN & GAULLIER thesis prize
Interview of Yann Basire, Director General of the CEIPI, for the online journal of the University of Strasbourg
Mr Emmanuel Gougé appointed Director of the University Diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe
Tribute to Arnulf Weinzinger
Tribute to Maître Gaultier
Thesis prize of the Research Federation “Europe en mutation” awarded to Mr. Oleksandr Bulayenko for his PhD thesis defended within the CEIPI Research Department
Xavier Seuba appointed Director of the European Patent Academy and EQE at the European Patent Office
IP News