We are pleased to announce that CEIPI researchers will write a study for the JURI Commission of the European Parliament, in order to analyze the current situation in the EU regarding the cross-border enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and explore the need to introduce legal provisions that would allow national law enforcement authorities to apply measures with cross-border effect.
This study will be written within the framework of the framework contract that CEIPI signed with the European Parliament in 2019. As a reminder, CEIPI has been selected in 2019 for the third time as external expert for the JURI Committee (Legal Affairs) of the European Parliament, following the call for tenders Framework contract on Expertise on Regulatory and Policy Issues in the Field of Intellectual Property Law. CEIPI has already been selected previously for 2 other framework contracts. By the past, the number of selected entities was unlimited (provided they met the selection criteria). For this framework contract, the Parliament has retained as experts only 5 entities, including CEIPI.
This Framework contract is intended to support the work of the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) of the European Parliament in the field of intellectual property law by enabling it to have access to expertise (through written studies and reports), as well as support of European Parliament events with external experts in the areas of competence of the JURI Committee.
The Project Manager for the current study will be Giancarlo Frosio, Associate Professor at CEIPI. The role of Project Coordinator will be performed by Oleksandr Bulayenko, Researcher and Scientific Coordinator at CEIPI.
This study should address, among others, the following aspects:
• assessment of the existing EU legislative framework with regard to cross-border IPR enforcement and its effectiveness, with particular attention to copyright
• comparative analysis of practices relating to the cross-border enforcement of IPRs in a selection of 6 Member States, cross-border infringements and exemplary case-law on the matter should be included in the comparative analysis.