CEIPI annnounce the organization of an online basic training course in European patent law in English language, to start in September 2021

CEIPI is pleased to announce the organization of a basic training course in European patent law in English language, exclusively organized online. This training will start in September 2021.

The basic training course, which is also intended to help candidates to prepare for the European qualifying examination, lasts usually two years and is designed to accompany professional practice, starting shortly after the future patent specialist has begun training with a professional representative or patent department.

This training, which is jointly developed by CEIPI and epi, provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to the law and practice of the European patent system. The basic training in European patent law is currently offered in 40 European cities.

As from September 2021, CEIPI is proposing, in addition to the existing courses, a basic training course in European patent law exclusively organized online, in order to allow to candidates who do not have the opportunity of attending an on-site course near their living place, to participate in this training.

For further information about the new online course, please refer to the dedicated pages of our website: https://www.ceipi.edu/en/training/non-degree-courses/basic-training-in-european-patent-law