Past events - Page 7 of 27

Past event

Christophe Geiger and Oleksandr Bulayenko speaking at the online workshop on “Intellectual Property Ordering Beyond Borders”, hosted by King’s College of the University of Cambridge

29 May 2020
9h 20h
Past event

Yann Basire and Stéphanie Carre speaking at the symposium: "Regards comparés sur l'évolution de la propriété intellectuelle en France et au Canada"

26 February 2020
9h 17h30
Montréal (Canada)
Past event

Conference-debate "Le dossier médical partagé : quelle propriété pour les données de santé? ", 18h Librairie Kléber, Strasbourg

22 January 2020
Librairie Kléber, Strasbourg
Past event

Giancarlo Frosio participation to the Workshop "Artificial Intelligence in the Audiovisual Industry" organized by the European Audiovisual Observatory, Strasbourg

17 December 2019