Past events - Page 4 of 26

Past event

Erasmus+ project, « New skills to face the risks of counterfeiting in consumer goods for children (CounterRisk) », 3-day training organized by CEIPI

10 12 May 2022
9h 18h
Past event

Séminaire en ligne « Recherche Conseil en Propriété Industrielle », organisé en partenariat avec l'Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (ACPI).

21 April 2022
18h30 21h30
Past event

Denis Bohoussou, Director general of the OAPI, speaking at CEIPI on the topic: "The evolution of intellectual property legislation at the OAPI"

31 March 2022
10h 12h
CARDO, 7 rue de l’Ecarlate, CS 20024, 67082 Strasbourg & online