Past events - Page 8 of 26

Past event

Presentation of Christophe Geiger at the 14th annual EPIP (European Policy for Intellectual Property) Congress at ETH (University of science and technology), Zurich, Switzerland

11 13 September 2019
8h30 15h
ETH, Zurich (Switzerland)
Past event

Christophe Geiger at the 38th ATRIP Congress : “Recreating Copyright Law, Redesigning Design Law, Resourcing Trademark Law, Reinventing Patent Law”, Nashville, USA

26 28 August 2019
Nashville (USA)
Past event

Giancarlo Frosio speaking at the International Summer School of Cyber Law 2019 organized by the International Laboratory for Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” in Moscow

2 July 2019
Moscow (Russia)
Past event

Symposium organized by the "Association des Masters Professionnels du CEIPI": "Start-Up et Propriété Intellectuelle : nouvelles économies et biens immatériels", Paris

24 June 2019
Maison du Barreau, Paris