Preparatory Seminars for papers A, B, C and D of the EQE course offered as on-site or online training

The seminars preparing for the EQE 2025 will be organized as classroom training and also be available online.


The CEIPI is organizing 5-day seminars preparing for papers A+B, C and D of the European Qualifying Examination.

These seminars are offered as "Strasbourg seminars" and also online.

Experience has shown that the "Strasbourg seminars" prepare candidates most efficiently for the examination, because they facilitate intense communication between tutors and participants and among the course participants. The CEIPI therefore recommends to give priority to the on-site training format. However, in order to also prepare those candidates for the EQE who cannot attend the on-site training, the CEIPI also organizes these courses preparing for the EQE 2025 as online training.

The seminar's European character is reflected in the international mix of tutors (qualified European Patent attorneys as well as agents of the EPO) and participants. Group-based work ensures discussion between the two. The seminars are organized in the three official languages of the EPO, English, German and French. Participants therefore need to well know one of these languages.

To fully benefit from these preparatory seminars in November 2024 (Papers A+B and C) and in January 2025 (Paper D), candidates are advised to also enrol for the earlier mentioned introductory methodology courses which aim at bringing them to the level required for these seminars.

  • The seminar for papers A+B will cover the following topics: drafting claims and drafting an introduction to the description in Paper A; replying to a communication and preparing an amended set of claims in Paper B,
  • The seminar for paper C will deal with the following topic: drafting a notice of opposition.

The methodologies discussed in the introductory methodology courses will be reviewed and deepened under the guidance of a tutor. The important topics like problem/solution approach, priority, inadmissible amendments and prior use will also be discussed further.

The working texts for the seminar are largely based on past EQE papers, updated and adapted if necessary. Participants will have the opportunity to apply the strategies and methodologies discussed by doing the A and B papers under mock examination conditions. For paper C, exercises are mixed with a mock examination C. Various approaches and suggested solutions will then be presented and discussed in the light of the Examiners' Reports and the "CEIPI-solution".

  • The Seminar for paper D

The seminar aims to enable candidates to answer the legal questions substantively and within the time allowed. The method involves independent work under the tutors' supervision, plus discussion of the answers. Candidates learn and practice the different approaches needed to tackle the questions of Part D1 as well as the more extensive question of part D2, and practise these techniques.

The seminars take place according to the following schedule:

A+B: from 18 to 20 (morning) November 2024 in Strasbourg or online
C: from 20 (afternoon) to 22 November 2024 in Strasbourg or online
D: from 13 to 17 January 2025 in Strasbourg or online

In addition to the above seminars, the CEIPI will organize a Wiseflow webinar for registered course participants, which provides practical information on the online examination and its special features on the Wiseflow platform and offers the opportunity to ask questions. The Wiseflow webinar is included in the course fee.


Applications to CEIPI will be treated on a first come, first served basis. If the courses are oversubscribed, names will be put on a waiting list.

The deadline for enrolment is 11 October 2024.

See our complete price offer for 2024-2025

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