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Christophe Geiger elected President of ATRIP
Strasbourg, Signature of a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Law of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia
Signature in Strasbourg of the renewal of the cooperation agreement between CEIPI and the Sino-European Institute for Intellectual Property
A new 67th volume released in the CEIPI Collection: “Computer-Implemented Inventions: Challenges, Current Practices and Perspectives”, edited by Professor Christophe Geiger and Matthieu Dhenne
Signature of the renewal of the cooperation agreement between CEIPI and INPI
CEIPI Students reach semi-finals of the moot competition focusing on Intellectual Property (CN2PI)
Tribute to Mr. Philippe Chêne, Former President of AACEIPI
Third price of the 2019 APRAM competition won by a graduate student of the CEIPI IP Master
Publication of Intellectual Property and Development, Understanding the Interfaces. Liber amicorum Pedro Roffe
Copyright reform in the EU: Opinion of the CEIPI on the European Commission’s Proposal to Facilitate the Access and Use of Out-of-Commerce Works
“Intellectual Property and the Judiciary”, edited by Christophe Geiger, Craig Nard & Xavier Seuba winner of the “best IP book of the year”- award by the IP Kat blog
Tragic events in Strasbourg on 11.12.2018, message from the Director General of CEIPI, Christophe Geiger
CEIPI’S governance and management team – the Administrative Board of CEIPI adopts a reform of its statutes for the 1st September 2019
Signature of an agreement for a joint doctorate between CEIPI and INPI
Renewal of the Cooperation agreement between CEIPI and Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
Publication of the book Intellectual Property and the Judiciary, Edited by Christophe Geiger, Craig Nard and Xavier Seuba
Publication of the volume 3 of the CEIPI Working Paper Series on SSRN
Book Launch and Presentation “Reconciling Copyright with Cumulative Creativity: the Third Paradigm”, by Giancarlo Frosio
Thesis prize 2018 of the Research Federation “L’Europe en mutation” awarded to Ms. Franciska Schönherr for her thesis defended within CEIPI’s Research Department
Yann Basire, recruted as Associate Professor at CEIPI