On 21 September, Mr. Emmanuel François Himbé will defend his thesis on the topic "The general interest and patent law in the AIPO space: Contribution to the study of the social function of the patent", under the direction of Céline Meyrueis, Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg and Yves Reboul, Professor emeritus at the university of Strasbourg and Honorary Direcrtor General of CEIPI.
The defence will take place at 2:00 pm at the University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Law, 1, place d'Athènes, Room Alex Weill.
The defense can also be followed online via Zoom: https://ceipi-edu.zoom.us/j/91306009971?pwd=ZFd0SjkvOEZwdVJpQ2lYY2E2cnlpZz09 ID de réunion : 913 0600 9971 - Secret Code : 849073
Members of the jury:
- Michel Vivant, Professor emeritus, School of Law - Sciences Po Paris (rapporteur)
- Emmanuel Py, Associate Professor at the University of Bourgogne (rapporteur)
- Joseph Fometeu, Professor at the University of N’Gaoundéré (Cameroon)
- Céline Meyrueis, Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg (thesis co-supervisor)
- Yves Reboul, Professor emeritus at the university of Strasbourg and Honorary Direcrtor General of CEIPI (thesis co-supervisor)
The Bangui Agreement of March 2, 1977, entered into force on February 8, 1982. This allows the African Intellectual Property Organization (AIPO) to register and issue industrial property titles in Central and West Africa. The seventeen Member States constitute a common area. And the patent, which is the major title here, is dominated by European filings.
The present thesis, entitled: "The general interest and patent law in the AIPO space: Contribution to the study of the social function of the patent", examines the incidence of the general interest in the various phases of the patent. It also demonstrates that, the patent integrates the public throughout the system.
In the absence of a legal definition, it offers an operational approach: the general interest is
the regulator between `` the permitted '' and `` the forbidden '', which allows the Law to
maintain its righteousness and Justice to establish a balance between the various social actors.
Then, it occupies a preponderant place there which is appreciated, from the time of access to
the patent and during the compulsory exploitation of the patented invention.