CEIPI invites you to participate in the online seminar "Shebam, Pow, Blop, Wiz…: Is Gainsbourg's Comic Strip a nest of 'new brands'? The new types of brands, point of stage and perspectives" to take place on 16 November 2021from 5pm to 7pm on Zoom.
This seminar is organized in partnership with the Association of Trade Mark and Design Law Practitioners (APRAM). The speakers will be Ms. Emmanuelle Incollingo, President of the APRAM, Ms. Sylvie Benoliel Claux and Mr. Julien Delucenay, Vice Presidents of the APRAM.
Registration is free. To register, please follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XQ2GDVS9TTeacGIMTaL74g
This seminar is part of the cycle of seminars organized in partnership with professional associations working in the field of intellectual property in France with which CEIPI maintains a privileged relationship.