Proposals of Mr. Christophe Geiger on copyright reform in the EU at the meeting of the expert group gathered around the Vice-President of the European Commission Mr. Ansip by the think tank “The Lisbon Council”

Past event
19 March 2015
Bruxelles (Belgium)

The modernisation of Europe’s copyright rules is an essential step towards completing the European digital single market. The European Commission has vowed to table its proposals for a “copyright regime fit for the digital age” by the end of this spring.

The think tank “The Lisbon Council” gathered on the 19th March 2015 in Brussels a group of experts in order to advise the European Commissioner Andrus Ansip, Vice-President in charge of digital single market, for this upcoming copyright reform in the European Union.

Mr. Christophe Geiger, Director General of CEIPI, spoke at this high-level round table on “Copyright and the Digital Single Market: What reform at EU level?” and presented his proposals on the way forward.

This meeting allowed to analyse the benefits and the challenges of modernising the copyright regime in Europe legally and economically, as well as to identify perspectives in terms of public policies for the European Union.