Conference of Mr John M. Golden on the topic: "Principles for Patent Remedies and Lessons for Intellectual Property Design"

Past event
28 November 2016
17h30 19h
Strasbourg, CEIPI, Amphithéatre 25

In the context of the lecture series “(Re)thinking Intellectual Property, Fundamental Questions and New Perspectives”, the CEIPI has the pleasure of welcoming  on Monday,November 28, 2016 at 5:30 pm, Mr John M. Golden, Professor of Law, University of Texas, Austin, School of Law.

His public lecture will focus on the topic: "Principles for Patent Remedies and Lessons for Intellectual Property Design".

The debate will be animated by Mr. Christophe Geiger, Director General of CEIPI.

Click here to download the abstract and his biography.