Within the framework of the creation of the new "Pôle de compétence en propriété intellectuelle" (PCPI), which brings together CEIPI, INPI and IEEPI, CEIPI is pleased to invite you to the first conference-debate of the 2021-2022 academic year of the "Intellectual Property and Algorithm" conference series.
Having chosen as object of reflection and discussion the relationship between intellectual property and algorithms, this inaugural conference, organized by the CEIPI, will deal with the specificities of public research in computer science, from protection to valorization of its results.
CEIPI Conference-debate:
18 November 2021
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Amphithéâtre D, Building Le Cardo
7 rue de l’Ecarlate, 67082 Strasbourg Cedex
Free admission, mandatory registration:
Mandatory health pass: reception from 5:00 pm
Live online broadcast on Zoom – registration:
Conference validated for the continuing education of lawyers and ICCs.
Download the programme of this event
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