On 14 December 2021, Ms. Camille Vallaud will defend her thesis on "The tensions between intellectual property and unfair competition rights" written under the supervision of Ms. Stéphanie Carre, Associate Professor at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg.
The defence will take place at 14:00 (CET)
Bâtiment LE CARDO
7, rue de l'Écarlate
CS 20024
67082 Strasbourg Cedex
Room 4B.
Members of the jury:
Nicolas Binctin, Professor of Private Law, University of Poitiers (rapporteur)
Jacques Larrieu, Professor of Private Law, University of Toulouse (rapporteur)
Jean Lapousterle, Professor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences, University Paris-Saclay
Philippe Sémériva, Honorary Magistrate
Stephanie Carre, Associate Professor at CEIPI, University of Strasbourg (thesis supervisor)