On 14 December 2021, Ms. Tamar Khuchua will defend her thesis on ‘The Future of the European Patent Judicial Design: In Search for Uniformity’, written under the supervision of Professor Christophe Geiger (University of Strasbourg) and Professor Uma Suthersanen (Queen Mary University of London). Ms. Khuchua’s PhD research has been conducted within the EIPIN Innovation Society doctoral programme.
The defence will take place at 14:30 (CET) in a dematerialised way, due to the current situation caused by the global pandemic.
Members of the jury:
- Duncan MATTHEWS, Professor, Queen Mary University of London, the UK (rapporteur)
- Jens SCHOVSBO,Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (rapporteur)
- Julián LÓPEZ RICHART, Professor, University of Alicante, Spain
- Emmanuel LAZEGA, Professor, Sciences Po Paris, France
- Christophe GEIGER, Professor, University of Strasbourg, France (thesis supervisor)
- Uma SUTHERSANEN, Professor, Queen Mary University of London, the UK (thesis supervisor)