Osaka University Intellectual Property Center will organize in partnership with CEIPI and the Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property (CASRIP), University of Washington, an international conference on the topic “IPrism International Intellectual Property Symposium”. The conference will be held on the 4th of June 2015 at Osaka University Nakanoshima Center.
Very renowned French and Japanese scholars and personalities will intervene during the conference including: Mr. Alain Michelet, President of the CNCPI (Compagnie nationale des conseils en propriété industrielle), judge Ryuichi Shitara, President of the Japanese IP High Court, Ms. Aurélia Marie, President of AIPPI France (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle), Mr. Shigeki Chaen, Professor at Osaka University, Ms. Toshiko Takenaka, Professor at the Washington School of Law and Mr. Yann Basire, Associate Professor at the University of Haute Alsace and member of CEIPI Research Department.
Click on the programme below for further informations.