Publication of the volume 3 of the CEIPI Working Paper Series on SSRN

Thanks to its archive in Open Access available under this link, the CEIPI is now quite clearly recognized in its action towards the green Open-Access distribution. Edited by Christophe Geiger, Professor of Law, Director General and Director of the Research Department of the CEIPI, the volume 3 of our publications within the “Social Science Research Network” (SSRN) offers very new analysis in intellectual property law,
through the following articles:

  • Christophe Geiger, “ “Fair Use” through Fundamental Rights:When Freedom of Artistic Expression allows Creative Appropriations and Opens up Statutory CopyrightLimitations”,
  • Christophe Geiger, “The TTIP and its investment protection: Will the EU still be able to regulate intellectual property?”,
  • Xavier Seuba, “Is a Multilateral Agenda on Enforcement Realistic and Achievable?
    - Grounds and Challenges for a Performing Enforcement Regime”,
  • Giancarlo Frosio, “Reimagining Digital Copyright through the power of imitation: lessons from Confucius and Plato”,
  • Yann Basire, “The impact of Brexit on the unitary rights of the European Union”,
  • Jean-Marc Deltorn-Franck Macrez, “Authorship in the Age of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence”,
  • Natalia Kapyrina, “Design rights in EU PTAs – where does such internationalization lead?”,
  • Clara Ducimetière, “Intellectual property under the scrutiny of investor-state tribunals Legitimacy and new challenges”,
  • Christophe Geiger - Giancarlo Frosio - Oleksandr Bulayenko, “The exception for Text and Data Mining (TDM) in the Proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market Legal Aspects”,
  • Luc Desaunettes, « La transposition de la directive "secret d'affaires" en droitfrançais: une analyse de la Proposition de loi adoptée par l'Assemblée nationale ».

For further information about our archive in Open-Access and its publications, please contact Ms Caroline Ertz, Working Paper Coordinator: caroline.ertz[at]