Thanks to its archive in Open Access available under this link, the CEIPI is now quite clearly recognized in its action towards the green Open-Access distribution. Edited by Christophe Geiger, Professor of Law, Director General and Director of the Research Department of the CEIPI, the volume 3 of our publications within the “Social Science Research Network” (SSRN) offers very new analysis in intellectual property law,
through the following articles:
- Christophe Geiger, “ “Fair Use” through Fundamental Rights:When Freedom of Artistic Expression allows Creative Appropriations and Opens up Statutory CopyrightLimitations”,
- Christophe Geiger, “The TTIP and its investment protection: Will the EU still be able to regulate intellectual property?”,
- Xavier Seuba, “Is a Multilateral Agenda on Enforcement Realistic and Achievable?
- Grounds and Challenges for a Performing Enforcement Regime”,
- Giancarlo Frosio, “Reimagining Digital Copyright through the power of imitation: lessons from Confucius and Plato”,
- Yann Basire, “The impact of Brexit on the unitary rights of the European Union”,
- Jean-Marc Deltorn-Franck Macrez, “Authorship in the Age of Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence”,
- Natalia Kapyrina, “Design rights in EU PTAs – where does such internationalization lead?”,
- Clara Ducimetière, “Intellectual property under the scrutiny of investor-state tribunals Legitimacy and new challenges”,
- Christophe Geiger - Giancarlo Frosio - Oleksandr Bulayenko, “The exception for Text and Data Mining (TDM) in the Proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market Legal Aspects”,
- Luc Desaunettes, « La transposition de la directive "secret d'affaires" en droitfrançais: une analyse de la Proposition de loi adoptée par l'Assemblée nationale ».
For further information about our archive in Open-Access and its publications, please contact Ms Caroline Ertz, Working Paper Coordinator: caroline.ertz[at]