Can I follow the Diploma entirely online?
No, mandatory attendance in Strasbourg is required during Module 1 and Module 9. Module 3 (December) is conducted online only. The rest of the modules (2 to 8) can be followed in hybrid format, that is, you can come in person or connect remotely at your convenience.
What is the benefit of attending the courses in Strasbourg?
Attending the courses in Strasbourg offers the opportunity to network with other participants and speakers, and to enjoy the city's unique culture. Lunch and coffee are provided during breaks, and special cultural events are organised for participants.
Where are the lectures held when I come on-site?
Lectures take place at CEIPI premises in Strasbourg, France. The address is: Bâtiment le Cardo, 7 rue de l'Écarlate, 67000 Strasbourg.
Where can I find a list of hotels with special prices for CEIPI participants?
Please follow this link to access the list of hotels with special prices.