CEIPI - Center for International Intellectual Property Studies - University of Strasbourg https://www.ceipi.edu fr CEIPI - Center for International Intellectual Property Studies - University of Strasbourg Fri, 26 Apr 2024 01:07:06 +0200 Fri, 26 Apr 2024 01:07:06 +0200 TYPO3 EXT:news news-16159 Mon, 15 Apr 2024 09:05:55 +0200 Ouverture des inscriptions au séminaire de préparation à l’examen français de qualification, spécialisation « brevets d’invention » /en/actualites/news/ouverture-des-inscriptions-au-seminaire-de-preparation-a-lexamen-francais-de-qualification-specialisation-brevets-dinvention

Le CEIPI organise chaque année un séminaire de préparation à l’examen français de qualification, spécialisation « brevets d’invention ».

Ce séminaire s’adresse :

  • aux candidats intéressés à préparer l’examen français de spécialisation « Brevets d’invention »
  • aux professionnels du secteur

L'édition 2024 se déroulera en format hybride (à Paris et en ligne sur Zoom) les 2, 3, 22 et 23 mai 2024.

Tarifs :

  • Formation complète (modules 1 et 2) : 1400€
  • Un module : 750€

Pour vous inscrire, téléchargez le bulletin d’inscription et renvoyez-le avant le 26 avril 2024 à sabine.zorn[at]ceipi.edu 

Actualités du CEIPI
news-16019 Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:13:00 +0200 A call to the CEIPI community! /en/actualites/news/appel-a-la-communaute-du-ceipi This year, CEIPI celebrates 60 years of excellence, innovation and sharing in the field of intellectual property. To mark this significant milestone, we'd like to bring together the memories and experiences that have shaped our Center over the decades.

And who better than the CEIPI family to help us retrace its history?

We therefore invite you to share your personal archives with us, including photographs and videos that reflect your experience at CEIPI. Whether it's a photo of your graduating class, a milestone event, or simply a moment of life captured in the halls of CEIPI, every item you share will contribute significantly to enriching our project!

Wherever possible, we ask that your files be in high definition, and accompanied by a date, the context of the shot, and the names of the people appearing in them.

Your contributions can be sent by e-mail to: 60ansceipi[at]ceipi.edu

We thank you in advance for your valuable collaboration!

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15137 Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:10:00 +0100 Registration opens for the University Diploma with specializations in "Patents" and "Trademarks and Designs" - Academic Year 2024-2025 /en/actualites/news/ouverture-des-inscriptions-aux-du-brevets-dinvention-en-cycle-long-au-dumarques-dessins-modeles-en-cycle-long-et-aux-masters-2-droit-de-la-propriete-intellectuelle-annee-universitaire-2023-2024 The CEIPI proposes two diplomas in intellectual property with specializations in "Patents" and "Trademarks and Designs" which can be taken as a long tuition (aimed at students who have completed scientific or engineering studies, as well as lawyers) or as a accelerated tuition (hybrid, sandwich course for people with experience in the industrial property profession).

Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now open, candidates must complete an online pre-registration form accessible on each course page (under the heading "Admission"): 

Registrations to the University Diploma - Accelerated tuition in Trademarks and Designs will open on 20 May.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-16060 Mon, 18 Mar 2024 10:37:30 +0100 Applications for the Master's degree in Intellectual Property Law, Initial training (Master 1 and Master 2), academic year 2024-2024 /en/actualites/news/ouverture-des-inscritions-au-master-droit-de-la-propriete-intellectuelle-en-formation-initiale-master-1-et-master-2-annee-universitaire-2024-2024 CEIPI offers a number of Programs within the Master's in Intellectual Property Law.

Applications for M1 and M2 under initial training are open.


Actualités du CEIPI
news-16045 Mon, 11 Mar 2024 16:17:41 +0100 Notice of vacancy for the position of Director General of CEIPI, University of Strasbourg /en/actualites/news/avis-de-vacance-de-la-fonction-de-directeur-general-du-ceipi-universite-de-strasbourg The position of Director General of the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) will be vacant as of September 1, 2024.

For more information, please download the vacancy notice below.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-16053 Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:30:00 +0100 CEIPI shines at the Robert Tinlot Moot Court! /en/actualites/news/le-ceipi-brille-au-robert-tinlot-moot-court A big well done to Eva Bastian, Jade Moy-Boudin and Clara Kieffer, Masters 2 students at CEIPI, who won the 9th Robert AIDV-IWLA Tinlot Moon Court against the team from the Masters in Vine and Wine Law.

Congratulations to Jade Moy-Boudin, who also went home with the title of best litigator!

A big thank you to the organisers of this event, and see you next year for the 10th edition.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-16030 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 16:36:33 +0100 Publication of volume 2 in CEIPI's sub-collection dedicated to thesis: "The deprivation of property as a penalty for counterfeiting. Essay on the fate of counterfeit goods" by Julien Douillard /en/actualites/news/parution-du-volume-2-dans-la-sous-collection-du-ceipi-dediee-aux-theses-la-privation-de-propriete-comma-sanction-de-la-contrefacon-essai-sur-le-sort-des-marchandises-de-contrefacon-par-julien-douillard The CEIPI is pleased to announce the publication of the volume 2 in its sub-collection dedicated to thesis:

"The deprivation of property as a penalty for counterfeiting. Essay on the fate of counterfeit goods" by Julien Douillard

In the context of the action in counterfeiting, the legislator has provided sanctions applying to goods counterfeiting an intellectual property right. These sanctions, qualified as deprivation of property, have the effect of limiting the use, or even losing the property of these goods qualified as counterfeit.  However, it appears that the regulation, both legislative and judicial, of these measures is lacking. Judges tend not to give reasons of this optional sanction. Moreover, the destruction of goods can be carried out by customs without any intervention by the judge.          

When it is provisionally ordered, for only alleged counterfeit acts, this sanction can paralyze an activity that is ultimately legitimate. However, the deprivation of property does not appear to be systematically necessary to ensure the respect for an intellectual property right. Since counterfeiting causes only the loss of exclusivity, a prohibiting measure may be sufficient to enforce intellectual property rights. Thus, the scope of the work should be on implementation of such sanctions in order to reconcile at best the two properties, at a time when fundamental rights are gaining more and more influence.

To obtain a copy, please contact our Publishing Manager: caroline.ertz[at]ceipi.edu

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15947 Mon, 04 Mar 2024 10:18:00 +0100 Inscriptions au séminaire sur la Fiscalité des brevets, des inventions et des logiciels /en/actualites/news/ouverure-des-inscriptions-au-seminaire-sur-la-fiscalite-des-brevets-des-inventions-et-des-logiciels La prochaine édition du sséminaire sur la Fiscalité des brevets, des inventions et des logiciels  se tiendra les 4 et 5 avril 2024.

Ce programme de formation intéresse le monde des économies créatives et les professionnels et entrepreneurs des hautes technologies, les juristes, les professionnels du chiffre, les décideurs, les juges et les étudiants et il a pour objectifs de :

  • présenter les différents régimes fiscaux en matière de brevets, d'innovation et de logiciels et identifier comment ils peuvent se compléter ;
  • présenter les incidences des dispositifs fiscaux dans la constitution d’un portefeuille de droits de brevets, inventions et logiciels et son exploitation ;
  • identifier les obligations financières et déclaratives liées à ces exploitations ;
  • adapter la rédaction des contrats afin d’être en mesure d’en maîtriser les incidences fiscales ;
  • présenter les risques de redressement fiscaux et comment les prévenir.

La formation se déroulera en ligne  via zoom.

Vous pouvez télécharger le programme ci-dessous. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu'au 02 avril 2024. Pour plus d'information, consultez la page dédiée : https://www.ceipi.edu/formations/formations-non-diplomantes/advanced-trainings/seminaire-fiscalite-des-brevets-des-inventions-et-des-logiciels

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15975 Tue, 13 Feb 2024 08:51:58 +0100 Summer’ize your IP!: CEIPI “Summer School on the Patent System in Europe”, 2024 edition /en/actualites/news/summerize-your-ip-summer-school-on-the-patent-system-in-europe-du-ceipi-edition-2024 Enrolmlent is open to the next edition of the CEIPI “Summer School on the Patent System in Europe” to be held in Strasbourg from 25 June to 6 July 2024.

Unique in Europe and in the world, this Summer School offers an intensive course of theoretical and practical training for both scientific and legal backgrounds. Participants will also be able to build on the knowledge acquired during the various workshops.

Prior to the start of the Summer School, participants will have access to pre-recorded lectures. These dynamic short videos aim to convey to participants the general principles and core concepts of intellectual property in Europe


  • 1 700 € early bird for all registrations until 17 May 2024
  • 1 900 € for all registrations from 18 May 2024

The deadline for enrolments is 7 June 2024

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15962 Mon, 05 Feb 2024 11:11:40 +0100 Visit by a delegation of high representatives from the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, Strasbourg, 1st February 2024 /en/actualites/news/visite-dune-delegation-de-hauts-representants-du-ministere-de-leconomie-des-emirats-arabes-unis-strasbourg-1er-fevrier-2024 CEIPI is honored to have welcomed on Thursday, 1st February 2024, a delegation of high representatives from the Ministry of Economy of the United Arab Emirates, led by H.E. Dr. Abdelrahman Almuaini, Assistant Undersecretary for IP Sector, and accompanied by Ms. Jinane Kabbara, Intellectual Property Counsellor – Middle-East - INPI Expert.

The delegation included Ms. Fatima Alhosani - Director of the Copyright Department - Ministry of Economy; Ms. Marwa Alharmoodi - Chief Innovation Manager - Ministry of Economy; Ms. Hoda Barakat - Board Member of Emirates Intellectual Property Association (EIPA) and President of AIPPI UAE; Dr. Abdelrahman Alhashmiri - Director of Services Department Sharjah University and Ms. Rima Al Achkar - Member of the Gulf Brand Protection Group.

The visit provided an opportunity to exchange on CEIPI’s activities and training offer, and to discuss future cooperation. The delegation was welcomed by Mr. Yann Basire, Director General of CEIPI, Mr. Jean-Marc Deltorn, Professor at CEIPI, Ms. Ionela Asandulesei, Head of International Relations and Partnerships at CEIPI and Mr. Philippe Borne, INPI Regional Representative.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15951 Tue, 30 Jan 2024 14:25:13 +0100 FORBES x CEIPI /en/actualites/news/forbes-x-ceipi CEIPI was honored to be featured by Forbes France in an exclusive interview for its "Successful Companies" program.

Yann Basire, Director General of the CEIPI, had the opportunity to answer Jessie Claire's questions, detailing CEIPI's activities and missions, while also taking a broader look at the crucial importance of intellectual property.

This interview testifies to CEIPI's unwavering commitment to the active promotion of intellectual property and its ongoing mission to raise awareness among the general public.

To view the video and discover the Forbes article dedicated to CEIPI: https://www.forbes.fr/brandvoice/le-ceipi-centre-au-coeur-de-la-formation-et-la-recherche-en-propriete-intellectuelle/

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15944 Mon, 29 Jan 2024 13:39:33 +0100 New European qualifying examination (EQE) progressively starting in 2025 /en/actualites/news/nouvel-examen-europeen-de-qualification-eeq-a-partir-de-2025 On 14 December 2023, the Administrative Council of the EPO approved the new « Regulation on the European qualifying examination for professional representatives before the European Patent Office » (REE) regulating the new format of EQE (CA/87/23), adapted for the online environment. The new REE will enter into force on 1 January 2025 and replace the Regulation of 2009. The corresponding Implementing Provisions (IPREE) are expected to become available in early 2024.

In compliance with the new REE, the new EQE examination papers will be progressively introduced starting in 2025. In 2027, the new EQE will fully be implemented and pre-examination and papers A, B, C and D will no longer exist.

Detailed information about the new EQE is available on the dedicated page of our website.


Actualités du CEIPI
news-15171 Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:47:00 +0100 Registration is open for the course preparing for the European patent administration certification (EPAC) 2024 /en/actualites/news/ouverture-des-inscriptions-a-la-formation-de-preparation-au-certificat-europeen-dadministration-des-brevets-epac-ceab-2023 CEIPI is pleased to announce the opening of registrations for its training for the EPO examination leading to the European patent administration certification (EPAC).  This exam, which is intended for paralegals, patent administrators and formalities officers, will take place on 10 October 2024.

The CEIPI training is offered in English, German and French language. It will take place online from late May to late September 2024.

Complete information, the training schedule and registration details are available on the dedicated page of our website.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15902 Thu, 11 Jan 2024 14:01:36 +0100 Publication of volume 4 in CEIPI's sub-collection of conference proceedings: "L'enseignant chercheur en propriété intellectuelle" /en/actualites/news/parution-du-volume-4-dans-la-sous-collection-du-ceipi-dediee-aux-actes-de-colloque-lenseignant-chercheur-en-propriete-intellectuelle The CEIPI is pleased to announce the publication of :

L’enseignant-chercheur en propriété intellectuelle

"L'enseignant chercheur en propriété intellectuelle» : this was the title of a Conference organised in Lille on 3th December 2021 by the Association des jeunes universitaires spécialisés en propriété intellectuelle (JUSPI).

The aim of the event was to highlight the challenges faced by intellectual property lecturers in French and foreign universities. Various academics and practitioners examined the specific features inherent in their field of specialisation and their areas of research.

Directed by Yann Basire and Caroline Le Goffic, this book constitutes the proceedings of that conference. It brings together contributions on the role of teacher-researchers, both within schools of thought and law faculties and in relation to professionals and institutions in the field of intellectual property. It also examines the virtues and dangers of hyperspecialisation, transversality and interdisciplinarity.

Finally, it looks at the renewal of themes and approaches in intellectual property law: digital technology, pop culture, etc. are all factors of openness that intellectual property research professors are seizing upon. This issue combines theoretical and practical insights into the way in which teacher-researchers see their role today.

Contributors to this fourth issue in the Conference Proceedings series include: Yann Basire, Edith Blary-Clément, Alexis Boisson, Sylvain Chatry, Sarah Dormont, Amélie Favreau, Thibault Gisclard, Stéphanie Le Cam, Caroline Le Goffic, Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse, Dariusz Piatek.

To obtain a copy, please contact our Publishing Manager: caroline.ertz[at]ceipi.edu

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15887 Sun, 24 Dec 2023 13:38:00 +0100 Season's Greetings from the CEIPI team /en/actualites/news/les-voeux-du-ceipi Actualités du CEIPI news-15869 Thu, 21 Dec 2023 11:30:35 +0100 Nouveaux séminaires de formation continue en droit des marques, dessins et modèles : « Focus PI, les mensuelles du CEIPI » /en/actualites/news/nouveaux-seminaires-de-formation-du-ceipi-focus-pi-les-mensuelles-du-ceipi Le CEIPI lance, à compter de février 2024, un cycle annuel de formation continue en droit des marques, dessins et modèles. Ces modules de formation s’adressent aux Conseils en Propriété Industrielle, aux Avocats, aux juristes d’entreprise, aux personnels des offices et, plus largement, à toute personne amenée à pratiquer le droit des marques dans son exercice professionnel.

Dispensées sous forme de webinaires mensuels d’une durée de 2 heures tous les premiers lundis de chaque mois, ces formations ont vocation à permettre aux professionnels du droit des marques de monter en compétence sur des thématiques adaptées à leur pratique professionnelle et à satisfaire aux obligations en matière de formation continue. Animé en binôme par des spécialistes reconnus, chaque module sera ainsi l’occasion d’aborder une thématique spécifique.

Téléchargez le programme complet

Pour plus d'information, consultez la page dédiée.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15864 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:18:08 +0100 Tribute to Ms Annelise BEAUCARNE /en/actualites/news/hommage-a-madame-annelise-beaucarne It is with great sadness that CEIPI has just learned of the passing of Ms Annelise BEAUCARNE, who served as the Secretary of the French Section of CEIPI for over 30 years.

Ms BEAUCARNE played an essential role at CEIPI, where her expertise and dedication to teachers and students were widely recognized. She was a pillar of the administration, significantly contributing to the smooth operation of the Section and the organization of academic activities, while providing invaluable support to the CEIPI leadership in their functions.

CEIPI pays tribute to Annelise BEAUCARNE, who recently passed away, and extends its deepest condolences to her family and loved ones. Her memory will remain etched in the memory of the CEIPI community.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-14189 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:47:00 +0100 Opening of registration for the 2024 edition of the Training Programme on the Unified Patent Court /en/actualites/news/registration-for-the-2022-edition-of-the-training-programme-on-the-unified-patent-court The next edition of the Training Program on the Unified Patent Court will take place in February, March, and April 2024, as follows:

  • 23-24 February 2024: remotely
  • 22-23 March 2024: Hybrid : on site in Strasbourg as well as remotely
  • 19-20 April 2024: Hybrid : on site in Strasbourg as well as remotely

Click here to open the 2024 programme

This programme is open to former participants of the Diploma on Patent Litigation in Europe, lawyers practicing in the field of intellectual property and other intellectual property professionals interested in patent litigation and its application.

Teaching language: English.

The European patent attorneys who will follow this training will have a financial support from the CNCPI.

Registration for the 2024 edition is closed.

See all details and download the registration documents on the dedicated website.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15809 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 09:12:09 +0100 Publication of the "Mélanges en l’honneur de François Greffe" /en/actualites/news/publication-des-melanges-en-lhonneur-de-francois-greffe The CEIPI is pleased to announce the publication of the "Mélanges en l’honneur de François Greffe".

This first publication in CEIPI's new “Mélanges Collection” was edited by Yann Basire, CEIPI's Director General, and Flora Donaud, Doctor of Law and Lawyer.

François Greffe, a member of the Paris Bar, honorary professor at CEIPI where he taught for 40 years, and author of the Traité des dessins et des modèles, regularly updated and awarded a prize by the Académie des Beaux-Arts, was recognised as one of France's leading specialists in design law.

His contribution to intellectual property law is invaluable.

Over the past 60 years, François Greffe has not merely witnessed the development of design law, but has been one of its main protagonists, with the recognition of his commitment to the entire design industry extending far beyond the boundaries of the intellectual property world.

It was therefore logical, legitimate, if not expected, that a book should pay tribute to him. This has now been done with these Mélanges, which bring together authors from all over Europe (France, Benelux, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Poland and Russia) to discuss the issues of multiple protection and multiple forms, both in the light of current case law and in the light of the forthcoming European reform of design law.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15518 Fri, 06 Oct 2023 14:13:00 +0200 Results of the General elections of representatives of teaching, research and administrative staff to the CEIPI Institute Council /en/actualites/news/elections-generales-des-representants-des-personnels-enseignants-enseignants-chercheurs-et-biatts-au-conseil-de-linstitut-ceipi You can download below the results of general elections of representatives of teaching, research and administrative staff to the CEIPI Institute Council held electronically between 3 and 5 October 2023.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15567 Sat, 12 Aug 2023 13:57:00 +0200 Tribute to Maître François Greffe /en/actualites/news/hommage-a-me-francois-greffe It is with deep sadness that CEIPI has learned of the death of Maître François Greffe, an emblematic figure not only of the Centre, but also and above all of the world of intellectual property, his contribution to the field being invaluable.

A member of the Paris Bar, François Greffe taught design law for 40 years at the Centre d'Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle - CEIPI.
Passionate, enthusiastic, a good teacher and accessible, he has trained many generations of students, who have now become accomplished intellectual property specialists. More than a guide, he was a mentor to these students, an example to follow.
As a researcher, François Greffe also left his mark on the doctrine of design law, his writings having enlightened and influenced both jurisprudence and legislation.
François Greffe was not simply a witness to the evolution of design law, but one of its main protagonists, and his commitment to the entire design industry has been recognized far beyond its borders.
With these few words, which do not suffice to pay tribute to him, CEIPI expresses its most sincere condolences to his family.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15497 Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:03:57 +0200 João Negrão elected new EUIPO Executive Director /en/actualites/news/joao-negrao-elu-nouveau-directeur-executif-de-leuipo CEIPI extends its sincere congratulations to João Negrão, who has just been elected as the new Executive Director of the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office).

Currently President of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal, João Negrão is set to take over his new position in October.

We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with EUIPO to achieve our common goals.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15382 Wed, 31 May 2023 16:13:00 +0200 Signing of a cooperation agreement with the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), 31 May 2023, Strasbourg /en/actualites/news/signature-dun-accord-de-cooperation-avec-lorganisation-africaine-de-la-propriete-intellectuelle-oapi The Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) at the University of Strasbourg is proud to announce the signing of an international cooperation agreement with the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI).

OAPI is an intergovernmental organization, created in 1962, which today groups together seventeen African states, responsible for the uniform protection of intellectual property rights on the territories of these states, notably through the issuance of titles for the protection of industrial property rights.

CEIPI has been working closely with OAPI for many years, and in particular with the “Denis Ekani” intellectual property training center attached to the Organization. Through this agreement, the two institutions wish to deepen their collaboration.

The agreement was signed during the meeting of the Administrative Council of CEIPI on 31 May 2023 in Strasbourg, in the presence of Mr. Denis Loukou BOHOUSSOU, Director General of OAPI, Mr. Yann BASIRE, Director General of CEIPI, Mr. Benoît BATTISTELLI, Chairman of the Administrative Council of CEIPI, and members of the Council.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-14001 Thu, 25 May 2023 16:17:00 +0200 Taxe d’apprentissage 2023 - Soutenez le CEIPI pour former vos collaborateurs de demain /en/actualites/news/18-janvier-2022-taxe-dapprentissage-2022-soutenez-le-ceipi-pour-former-vos-collaborateurs-de-demain Vous soutiendrez, à travers cette ressource essentielle pour notre Centre, la professionnalisation et l’insertion professionnelle.

Qu'est-ce que la taxe d'apprentissage ?

Il s’agit d’une contribution due par les entreprises, qui représente 0,68% de la masse salariale brute (0,44% en Alsace Moselle).

Elle est composée de deux parts :

  • 87% (ou 0,59 de la masse salariale) contribue au financement des formations en apprentissage
  • 13% (ou 0,09% de la masse salariale) contribue au développement des formations initiales technologiques et professionnelles, hors apprentissage, et à l'insertion professionnelle.

5 raisons de verser votre taxe d’apprentissage au CEIPI

La taxe d'apprentissage permet au CEIPI d'améliorer en permanence la qualité de son enseignement en participant au financement des moyens pédagogiques mis à la disposition de ses étudiants.

Votre soutien financier est indispensable pour accompagner l’évolution de nos formations et garantir l’excellence de nos enseignements :

  1. Vous soutenez un centre public de formation et de recherche dont les activités ont un impact majeur sur le secteur privé
  2. Vous investissez dans les compétences de vos futurs collaborateurs
  3. Vous collaborez au développement et à la mise en œuvre de projets pédagogiques innovants
  4. Vous renforcez la position de la France dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle et des matières connexes
  5. Vous associez votre entreprise à un centre d’excellence au niveau national, européen et international

Pour plus d'information (comment verser le solde de la taxe d'apprentissage au CEIPI, brochure explicative et vidéos), consultez la page dédiée.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15364 Thu, 25 May 2023 14:25:00 +0200 Yann Basire, winner of the IdEx 2023 call for applications - Scientific prize “Les espoirs de l’Université de Strasbourg” ! /en/actualites/news/yann-basire-recipiendaire-de-lappel-a-candidatures-idex-2023-prix-scientifiques-les-espoirs-de-luniversite-de-strasbourg We are pleased to announce that Mr. Yann BASIRE, Director General of CEIPI and Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg has just been awarded the scientific prize “Les Espoirs de l'Université de Strasbourg”, in the framework of the call for applications 2023.

This scientific prize “Les Espoirs de l'Université de Strasbourg” aims at rewarding scientists who have shown originality and dynamism in the implementation of their research and whose future academic work looks promising.

CEIPI congratulates Mr. Yann BASIRE and wishes him good success in his projects!

Actualités du CEIPI
news-14213 Wed, 24 May 2023 14:47:00 +0200 Inscriptions au séminaire d'actualité en droit des marques et des dessins et modèles /en/actualites/news/actualite-marques-dessins-et-modeles-seminaire-de-revision-a-leqf Le CEIPI organise un séminaire d'actualité en droit des marques et des dessins et modèles en vue de préparer l'oral de l’examen français de qualification, spécialisation « marques, dessins et modèles ».

Ce séminaire organisé en hybride se déroulera à Paris et en ligne sur Zoom.

Pour le format en présentiel, les cours seront dispensés au 13 Rue du 4 septembre, 75002 Paris (Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle).

Tarifs :

Cycle complet: 1 700€
Par module : 650 €

Toutes les informations (programme, informations pratiques et bulletin d'inscription) sont disponibles sur la page dédiée.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15324 Wed, 10 May 2023 16:17:32 +0200 Release of a publication in the new CEIPI collection dedicated to Monographs /en/actualites/news/parution-dune-nouvelle-publication-dans-la-nouvelle-collection-du-ceipi-dediee-aux-monographies

The CEIPI is pleased to announce the release of a new publication in its new collection dedicated to Monographs.

  • Frédéric Benech, Guillaume de La Bigne (dir.), La médiation au service de la propriété intellectuelle, Collection du CEIPI, Les Monographies, 1, 2023.

The field of intellectual property, just like that of business law in general, has been opening up to mediation for several years, known as one of the alternative dispute resolution methods (DRM). This method has already been developed in Anglo-Saxon countries and by international organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

Under the aegis of a mediator, this method allows the parties to dialogue and seek an amicable solution to their conflicts, thus enabling them to avoid the hazards and costs of litigation, and even to maintain their business relationship.

If there is currently no book in French specifically dealing with mediation in the service of intellectual property, this book remedies this imbalance by giving the floor to practitioners, all of whom are professionals in intellectual property and also experienced mediators, trained in particular at the Institut de Formation à la Médiation et à la Négociation (IFOMENE).

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15305 Wed, 03 May 2023 14:00:30 +0200 Publication of two new books in the CEIPI's Collections /en/actualites/news/publication-de-deux-nouveaux-ouvrages The CEIPI is pleased to announce the release of two new publications:

  • Michal Bohaczewski, Infringement of the Trade Mark with Reputation, CEIPI's Collection, 68, LexisNexis.
  • Noémie Enser, Consciousness of creation and Literary and Artistic Property Law, CEIPI's Collection, PHD CEIPI Prize, 1, LexisNexis.

- Industrial Property Law

Infringement of the Trade Mark with Reputation offers an analysis that takes into account the French legislation modified by the ordinance n° 2019-1169 and having transposed the directive n° 2015/2436.

From now on, the protection of Trade Mark with Reputation is placed within the scope of the exclusive right and expressly provides that the infringement of a Trade Mark with Reputation constitutes a ground for nullity and, on opposition, a ground for refusal of a later mark.

By taking into account European Union law, the study takes into account the abundant case law of the Court of Justice and the General Court, as well as the practice of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in invalidity and opposition procedures.

Michal Bohaczewski analyzes the fundamental concept of the Trade Mark with Reputation, distinguishes it from a well-known mark, examines the conditions of infringement of a Trade Mark with Reputation and presents the different forms of infringement recognized by the legislator: dilution, debasement and unfair advantage taken from the distinctive character or reputation of the mark.

- Literary and Artistic Property Law 

According to Noémie Enser, Psychological awareness, this ability of human beings to understand their existence and the world around them, constantly raises questions, particularly in their relationship with the law.

Consciousness of creation and Literary and Artistic Property Law approaches this subject through a very specific prism: that of copyright, in which the doctrine seeks, through the conscience of the author, sometimes his discernment, sometimes a desire to create, sometimes again a real mastery of the creative process in order to make them play a discriminating role in access to protection.

The conscience of the author appears, throughout the analysis, not as a real condition, but as a corrective, called to play on the margins to exclude the protection by copyright of certain creations when the “classic” conditions for protection such as the form and the originality do not play their role of filter.

While the development of artificial intelligence and the welcome given to it by the artistic community call into question the place of a human being in creation, questioning the condition of the author’s conscience is part of a research on the essence of copyright.

This work received the PHD CEIPI – Vercken & Gaullier Prize in 2022.

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15191 Wed, 05 Apr 2023 15:59:16 +0200 Publication of the latest CEIPI Conference Proceedings /en/actualites/news/parutions-des-derniers-actes-de-colloque-du-ceipi The CEIPI is pleased to announce the release of two new publications in its new collection dedicated to Conference Proceedings.

Resulting from a web conference organized by the CEIPI's Research Laboratory in April 2021, "Quel degré d’harmonisation du droit des brevets en Europe" presents a comparative approach between the practices for assessing the conditions of patentability of the European Patent Office and French judicial jurisprudence.
Highlighting the divergences and convergences of practices and interpretations of legal texts relating to the patentability of inventions, this book pays tribute to a study conducted on the same subject by Professor Pollaud-Dulian nearly twenty-five years ago, making necessary an update of knowledge on the eve of the entry into force of the agreement on the Unified Patent Jurisdiction.

The original Intellectual Property and Pop Culture Conferences organized by the CEIPI since 2018 mark the renewal of our research, which is keen on new objects, new questions and new answers.

With this third edition entitled "Propriété intellectuelle et Pop Culture – Le retour", the CEIPI has chosen to democratize a subject that the Law has been slow to grasp, so surprising can the subject be! By confronting the world of pop culture with the mechanisms of intellectual property law - its objects of protection, its models of protection in the face of infringements of creators' rights – the CEIPI reminds us that he is an actor in the Intellectual Property ecosystem, creative, innovative and that he knows how to evolve with relevance, in our time!

Both of this books are already available for pre-order from booksellers and on platforms but also at the CEIPI! To obtain a copy, do not hesitate to contact our Publishing Manager: caroline.ertz[at]ceipi.edu

Actualités du CEIPI
news-15174 Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:57:50 +0200 Tribute to Horst Vissel /en/actualites/news/hommage-a-horst-vissel It is with great sadness that CEIPI learned of the sudden passing of Horst Vissel, European patent and trademark attorney working for the firm Kraus & Weisert in Munich.

Horst Visssel has been a tutor of the international and French section of CEIPI for several years. He was very actively involved in the training of future patent attorneys, in particular for the pre-examination and for paper D of the European qualifying examination. He was highly appreciated by colleagues and participants, for his expertise and his desire to share it with others, ass well as for his joy and kindness.

CEIPI pays tribute to Horst Vissel and expresses its deepest condolences to his familiy and relatives.

Actualités du CEIPI