Christophe Geiger, new Director General of CEIPI

A new Director General of CEIPI was elected during the 6 June 2008 Board of Directors meeting held at the INPI (Institut national de la Propriété Industrielle) in Paris . Professor Yves Reboul, the current General Director, will be leaving office on 31 August 2008 after serving two consecutive five year terms.

Christophe Geiger, an assistant Professor at Strasbourg's University Robert SCHUMAN, was unanimously appointed as the Centre's new General Director. He will be taking office on 1 September 2008.

Christophe Geiger's profile is a perfect match for CEIPI's latest European and international projects. He is the Director of both the French and French-speaking African countries Departments at Munich's Max PLANCK Institute of Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, and has authored numerous publications and research papers on intellectual property . He is a valued speaker in both national and international symposiums.