Yves Reboul at the conference organized by the Univsersity Hassan 1er of Settat (Morocco) together with the CEIPI on the topic "Les enjeux de l'exploitation de brevet : dimension juridique"

Past event
14 Februar 2015
Settat (Morocco)

Yves Reboul, Director of the French Section of CEIPI and Emeritus Professor at the University of Strasbourg participated on February 14, 2015 in the conference organized by the Business Law Laboratory of the University Hassan 1er of Settat (Morocco) together with the CEIPI on the topic: "Les enjeux de l'exploitation de brevet : dimension juridique".

Mr. Reboul moderated a part of the conference and he spoke on the topic:  "Les contrats relatifs aux connaissances scientifique et technique".

Clidk here to download an article published in the Moroccan press about this subject.

You can download the programme of this conference.