CEIPI at the online conference of the EIPIN IS in partnership with the EUIPO: "Fostering Innovation in Europe: Intellectual Property Policies and Law"

Past event
25 Juni 2020
10h 16h30

On 25 June 2020, CEIPI PhD researchers Tamar Khuchua and Natasha Mangal will be presenting some of their intriguing research findings in an online conference organised by the EIPIN IS in partnership with the EUIPO entitled “Fostering Innovation in Europe: Intellectual Property Policies and Law” Professor Christophe Geiger, Director of CEIPI Research Department, will be moderating a panel discussion titled “Adjudication, Justice and Enforcement”.

The event is organised by the EIPIN Innovation Society (EIPIN IS), a comprehensive multidisciplinary project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. EIPIN IS is a consortium of leading European research and training centers in intellectual property. Within the framework on the project, 14 doctoral candidates work on different research topics examining the role of intellectual property as a complex adaptive system in innovation.

This exciting online event will feature a variety of academics, IP professionals, and industry actors who will comment on the ongoing research.

To register for this event and find out more, please visit: https://euipo.blumm.it/event/ar/1/eipin-innovation-society