Mister António Campinos, reelected President of the CEIPI’s Administrative Board

CEIPI is pleased to announce that Mr. António CAMPINOS, current Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office, was elected on 16th June 2016,  President of the Administrative Board of CEIPI for a second 3-year term.

Mr. Antonio CAMPINOS was reelected President of the Administrative Board of CEIPI at the board meeting on 16th June 2016 for a second term of 3 years. Mr. Antonio CAMPINOS succeeded in 2013 to Mr. Francis Gurry, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as President of the Administrative Board of CEIPI.

After being President of the Management Board of the Portuguese National Institute of Industrial Property in 2005, chaired the working group on the modernization of the Madrid System at WIPO between 2005 and 2008, member of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Office between 2005 and 2010, and chaired the Board of the Office for harmonization in the internal market (OHIM) in 2007, Mr. Antonio CAMPINOS was elected President of OHIM on 1st October 2010. He is currently Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (former OHIM) for a second term.

CEIPI warmly thanks Mr. Antonio CAMPINOS for his support to CEIPI since 2013 and addresses its warm congratulations and wishes of success for this new mandate.